Join the Branford Historical Society and get involved in preserving Branfords past for future generations!
Thank you for your consideration in becoming a Member or renewing your Membership.
You can join or renew through PayPal using your own PayPal account or Debit/Credit Card.
Please fill out the Form below, click SUBMIT, and you will be re-directed to the Membership Payment Page, to pay your dues.
If you have any questions, please email:
As a member of the Branford Historical Society, you will receive the following benefits:
- Invitation and Email reminders of Events, Talks, and Programs related to the Society
- A copy of the BHS Newsletter
- Invitation to the Annual Dinner
- Invitation to the Holiday Open House
- Discounted/Advance Strawberry Festival Tickets
Business Sponsors/Benefactors:
- Everything previously listed
- Website listing and promotion & BHS Sponsor Sticker
Membership Dues
- Student – $10/year
- Individual – $25/year
- Family – $50/year
- Patron – $100/year
- Lifetime – $1,000
- Business Sponsor – $100/year
- Business Benefactor – $1,000/year
New Member & Membership Renewal Form

The Branford Historical Society is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization.
All membership dues
and donations are tax deductible.
A charitable contribution form is available upon request.